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Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2020

Menstrual blood comes out a lot, this could be the cause

When menstruating, do you have to use two pads at once or replace them every hour? If so, let's see what are the possible causes of lots of menstrual blood. Actually the amount of bleeding during menstruation in each woman can be different. There is a little menstrual blood volume, but some are coming out a lot, even to excessive. Menstrual Blood Comes Out Much Menstrual blood that comes out is considered too much if it exceeds 80 ml in one menstrual cycle. But of course the amount of blood that comes out during menstruation is difficult to count. In general, excessive menstrual blood can be characterized by: Menstruation for more than 7 days. Must replace pads every 1-2 hours because it is full. There is a blood clot the size of a coin. Menstrual blood penetrates into outer pants or sheets. Have to replace pads in the middle of the night because it's full. Menstrual blood that comes out too much can interfere with activity, even causing weakness or shortness of b...

Various Dry Hair Vitamins You Need To Know

There are various types of vitamins for dry hair that can help moisturize and soften hair. This vitamin can be obtained from food, supplements, and various hair care products specifically for dry hair. Dry hair vitamins are needed when the hair and scalp lose moisture. These problems can occur due to age, where the production of oil on the scalp naturally decreases. In addition, dry hair can also occur because often styling hair with a heater, using hair care products made from harsh chemicals, or hair coloring habits. Types of Dry Hair Vitamins To overcome the problem of dry hair, there are several types of vitamins that can be used to restore hair moisture, namely: 1. Vitamin E Vitamin E is a good nutrient for healthy hair and can prevent dry hair and hair loss. This vitamin works by creating a protective layer on the skin, including the scalp. It is this protective layer that keeps moisture in the scalp and restores your hair's luster. To overcome the problem of dry hai...